Learn How Utah and MIDAS Developed a Statewide Approval Mechanism for All PD
In 2017, Utah and MIDAS partnered to develop a statewide system for all teacher professional development. More than 100 entities offer PD for Utah teachers, and each offering is reviewed by a subject matter expert before it is approved to appear in the catalog for credit.
Since launch, more than 50,000 educators have enrolled in more than 600,000 offerings.
Your district invests substantial resources in professional learning.
How do you know if any of it is any good?

Empower Educators to Find Relevant PD
Teachers have a lot to do; finding PD should be easy. MIDAS provides a one-stop shop–a single catalog comprising all the PD offerings both in and out of your district. Educators can search, register, and track their progress all in one place.
Construct Playlists to Recommend PD
Do you have paper lists, emails, or spreadsheets documenting who took which PD courses? There's an easier way!
MIDAS playlists allow you to curate a collection of PD offerings, assign them to individuals based on job title or other characteristics, notify those assigned, and track their progress–all from one simple interface.

Provide PD Instructors Tools to Manage Offerings
PD facilitators often offer PD in addition to other job responsibilities. Managing enrollment, communicating with registrants, taking attendance, and reporting completion can be an administrative headache. MIDAS makes it easy to manage PD offerings.
Record All PD In One Place With Educator Transcripts
Educators have to keep track of many hours of professional learning to keep their licenses up to date, and HR managers are tasked with ensuring licenses are valid.
MIDAS PD transcripts make it easy to see whether or not an educator has accrued enough hours, points, or credits to maintain licensure.

Administer Surveys to PD Participants
It's hard to know if PD offerings are having their intended effect. Participant feedback is an integral part of evaluating offerings to determine if how funding for future offerings should be allocated.
MIDAS delivers an end-of-offering survey–featuring your district's questions–to every PD participant. Participants receive a reminder one week later to maximize response rates.
Aggregate Data to Determine Efficacy
Determining PD offering ROI is complex. Participant feedback is important, but so are measurable outcomes.
Did the reading training raise reading scores?
Did the classroom management training reduce office referrals?
MIDAS helps your administrators answer questions like these so you can decide where your PD dollars will do the most good.