MIDAS Addresses Each Client's Needs Individually
Jennifer Klein is the Director of Leadership Development for the Aurora Public Schools in Aurora, Colorado. She uses MIDAS's Data Explorer to evaluate the efficacy of principal development programs and to manage execution of the district's 90-day plans. Watch this video to learn how she has worked with MIDAS to achieve her district's data goals.
Your district has oodles of data.
How much of it is usable?

Make Your Data Actionable
Districts are overwhelmed by data, but often, it is inaccessible or unusable for a variety of other reasons.
MIDAS doesn't just connect data sources and leave you on your own; we consult with your district leadership to identify meaningful data, curate it, clean it, and create stunning visualizations to help you communicate with your stakeholders.
Quantify Learning Throughout the Pandemic
Identify the students who need to make up ground and in exactly which competencies or standards.
Determine the subject areas in which students need the most help and which curricular tools to use.
Close gaps by meeting students where they are with just-in-time supports.

Ensure Return On Investment
Identify which curriculum programs work the best for your students.
Determine the efficacy of professional development expenditures as they relate to student performance.
Analyze teacher performance and connect teachers who need more support with mentors and PD resources so they can reach their potential.
Promote Equity By Identifying Biases
Gain insight into whether or not your equity initiatives are working by evaluating evidence of biases that go beyond race and gender.
Adjust your strategic plan in light of correlations between demographic groups and outcomes.
Impact instruction and assign effective interventions using student and classroom level dashboards.

Accelerate Learning and Planning with Cutting-Edge Technology
The success of your district's strategic plan depends on being able to identify trends as they develop in real-time. MIDAS's proprietary technology combines data from multiple sources (internal or external), making sense of disparate data.
MIDAS makes it easy to identify what's going right or wrong and helps you to explore the underlying causes. Authorized users can drill down to the student level to get a detailed picture or stay high level.
Explore Your Data With One Click
Frequently, school district administrators find that those who need the data are not those who have the data. This causes bottlenecks when technical staff get overwhelmed by requests from academic staff, who must sometimes wait weeks or months for critical data.
MIDAS makes it easy for non-technical end users to explore their data, in just a few clicks and without waiting on anyone else.